Company Information

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Please tell us your name
Please give a brief description of the intended business activity.

Registered Office

An Irish Company must have a registered office in Ireland. This is the official address of the company, and is where correspondence from Companies Registration Office and other Government departments is sent to.
Do you want to use our Registered Office service?

Company Secretary

Irish companies must have a Company Secretary, this can be a person or corporation. The company secretary has administrative duties, and is responsible for preparation and filing of all documents. We can act as your Company Secretary.
Do you want to use our Company Secretary service?

Company Director

The company needs just one director, other directors are optional.
Name of Director
Residential Address of Director
Director's Date of Birth
Does this director hold any other directorships?
Do you want to add another Director?

Company Shareholder

The shareholder is the person or corporation that owns the company. The company needs just one shareholder, other shareholders are optional.
Is the Shareholder a Person or Corporation?