International Company Services
Welcome to Fletcher Kennedy Company Services, we are company incorporation specialists providing a comprehensive range of company incorporation related services.

International Company Formation Services
International Company Formation Services
We specialise in incorporating limited liability companies in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and International Business Companies in reputable jurisdictions.
We believe that the incorporation of a company is of major importance to our clients, and as experienced company incorporation professionals we have designed our service to reflect that.
Help & Advice
Using our 25 years experience we provide clients with our full expert assistance throughout every step of the incorporation process, however our service does not stop there. We will give you any assistance or advice from the moment you choose to incorporate the company and as for long after incorporation as you require.
Company Formation
Our Company Formation service provides clients with our full expert assistance throughout every step of the incorporation process. We will give you any assistance or advice from the moment you choose to incorporate the company and as for long after incorporation as you require.
Corporate Services
To assist with the operation of your company we provide corporate services, including Company Secretary, Registered Office, Preparation and Filing of Annual Accounts, and Preparation and Filing of Confirmation Statements.
Company Name Check
If you would like to check a name for availability now free of charge and without any commitment please click here
Scottish Companies are registered online at Companies House in Edinburgh. Typically it takes 3 hours to incorporate a Company in Scotland. The most popular type of company incorporated in Scotland is a Private Company Limited by Shares.
We provide a full range of company management and company secretarial services to enable the smooth running of your company.
Our secretarial service is designed to ensure that your company is compliant with all local regulations, and that all documents are filed on time.
For more information please contact us.

Every company must have a registered office located in the country which it is incorporated in.
The registered office is the official address of the company, and is where correspondence from the Registrar of Companies, Government departments and other official bodies is sent to. The Registered Office must always be an effective address for delivering documents to the company, and therefore Post Office Boxes are not allowed.
We offer a registered office service, and will provide you with a registered office as required.
For more information about our registered office service please contact us.